rClient CLI Guide
We have introduced a new method of connecting to the master node. A new component called the connection cluster node was added to handle all connections. rClient communicates with the server via a pub-sub channel.
Ensure you have the following installed on your system:
Node.js version 20.0.0 or higher (To install node.js please refer to this: https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager)
Yarn or NPM
To install the Real AI Node CLI globally, run the following command:
Note for Mac Users:
If you are using a Mac, you may need
to add sudo
to the command to grant the necessary permissions:
Run rClient
After installing the rivalz-node-cli
follow the steps below to configure and run the rClient
Step 1: In your terminal, enter:
Step 2: You will be prompted to enter several pieces of information related to your system and node setup. Here’s what you’ll need:
Your wallet address
CPU core
Select disk type
Select disk serial number
Enter disk size, you want to allow the client use
If your configuration is valid, the terminal will display as shown in the image below:

Change Wallet
Step 1: Run the Change-Wallet Command
To begin the process of changing the
wallet associated with your rClient
use the following command:

Step 2: Enter Your New Wallet Address

Step 3: Receive and Input the Verification Code

Step 4: Wallet Change Confirmation

After you change the wallet:
All client points will be deducted for that client, previously generated with the old wallet
The client will be connected to the new wallet
All previous points will be transferred to the new wallet
All newly generated points will be counted for the new wallet
You must connect the new wallet to our platform and sign a message. This will create an account on our database. If you are not connected, you will receive the error below:
Display Info
By runing the rivalz info command you can display the current version and config of the client

List of Commands
run - Run the Real AI rClient CLI
change-hardware-config - Update the rClient CLI configuration
change-wallet - Change the wallet address of the rClient CLI
update-version - Update the rClient CLI version
info - Show the rClient CLI version
report-error - Report the error logs
clear-log - Clears the log files of the rClient CLI
help [command] - Display additional info for a specific command
Q: How can I update to this new version?
A: Run Real AI update-version OR npm i -g rivalz-node-cli@2.6.2
Q: Does this update apply to the GUI version?
A: Not yet
Q: Can I run V1 and V2 at the same time?
A: Yes, it will not affect your points. On the dashboard, you can see separate sections for the 2 versions. However, if you run both V1 and V2 on 1 computer, only V2 is counted.
Q: Does updating to V2 affect my client point?
A: No, all V1 points will be added for V2
Q: Which cloud infra provider should I use to run the CLI?
A: Vultr, AWS Lightsail, Google Compute, Azure VM, Digital Ocean, OVH cloud
Q: Why is my PPH so low after updating to V2?
A: Please run the CLI V2 for 24 hrs to get the uptime multiplier to 1
Last updated